Thursday, 19 December 2013
Music Video Draft 1:
This is my first draft of my music video, i have added the relevant edits but there is some non-footage featured in two parts of this video. This is the plate smashing scene, i have yet to shoot. Although with that not added i am reflectively impressed and content with how it has turned out - i think it is successful. The narrative develops perfectly with the lyrics of the song which helps the audience understand it as it develops.
Or look it up on YouTube:
Friday, 13 December 2013
Shooting Schedule 3:
Saturday 14th December:
- Retake bathroom door scenes
- Wood - male walking through with female edited over the top
- Fight scene
- Photos:
- Female Dark Costume
- Scars make-up
Wednesday, 11 December 2013
Shooting schedule 2 - proof shots:
Here are some photos taken of from the footage to show what shots were used.
Above: 2 shot of the couple as the girlfriend is having a piggyback ride from the boyfriend with the tripod set up on the ground in front of them in the woods.
Above: 2 shot of the couple in the girlfriends bedroom in the scene of the 'pillow fight' with the tripod set up on the bed.
Above: 2 shot of the couple as the girlfriend is having a piggyback ride from the boyfriend with the tripod set up on the ground in front of them in the woods.
Above: 2 shot of the couple in the girlfriends bedroom in the scene of the 'pillow fight' with the tripod set up on the bed.
Official Girlfriend's Costume:
Ellie Beaulah (me)
Role: Girlfriend
Colourful Costume:
To match the Boyfriends colourful costume to portray they are in a relationship by colour co-ordinating their outfits - with the colour scheme blue and red. The colour Red connotes love/passion that the couple have for each other whereas Blue connotes peacefulness, calmness, purity - these colours contrast each other visually but also by their meaning.
To reflect the 'Alternative' genre I dressed the female in a blue and red checkered shirt to match the boyfriend but dressed a high waisted denim pinafore skirt over the top to define her waist and legs to represent her femininity.
The checkered shirt is link to theorist Tessa Perkins 'Stereotypes' by reinforcing the stereotypical 'indie/alternative' look of checkered shirts into my music video I have sent a clear message of 'stereotypes'/stereotypical clothing (linking to the Hypodermic Needle Theory) about my specific genre of 'Alternative Rock'; referring to checkered shirts, leather jackets etc.
To reflect the 'Alternative' genre I dressed the female in a blue and red checkered shirt to match the boyfriend but dressed a high waisted denim pinafore skirt over the top to define her waist and legs to represent her femininity.
The checkered shirt is link to theorist Tessa Perkins 'Stereotypes' by reinforcing the stereotypical 'indie/alternative' look of checkered shirts into my music video I have sent a clear message of 'stereotypes'/stereotypical clothing (linking to the Hypodermic Needle Theory) about my specific genre of 'Alternative Rock'; referring to checkered shirts, leather jackets etc.
The make-up for the colourful costume was quite natural. I used; concealer, foundation to cover up blemishes or uneven skin tone. Blusher & bronzer is used to define her cheek bones and give her cheeks a healthy glow. A brown eyebrow pencil was used to define her eyebrows. Eye liner and mascara to define her eyes but shimmer beige eye shadow was used to give her eyes a glow. For her lips I just used some lip balm and kept them natural. And her hair is natural.
PJ/Bed Costume:
Dark Costume:
For the dark costume i was inspired and influenced by the Actress/Singer, and model 'Taylor Momsen'. This is a direct contrast between the colourful costume where the girl is perceived as innocent, where as linked to the theorist 'Tessa Perkins' the dark costume is stereotypical to the 'Alternative Rock' genre by wearing dark black clothing and 'rock' 'rebel' jewellery which has spikes on to connote this. This portrays the female character as the antagonistic character in the narrative. Like 'Taylor Momsen' the female character is dressed provocatively by wearing a long black top and suspender tights - this is linked to the theorist Laura Mullvey and her 'male gaze' by connoting the female character as a sexual object by men.
I used heavy dark make-up to connote the 'Alternative Rock' stereotypical genre. I used black eye shadow, black eye liner, black mascara, foundation, concealer, blusher and bronzer.
To make the scars i used fake blood, as seen in the pictures below.
And for the scars left on her wrist is used brown eye brow pencil, pin lip balm and black eye liner pencil to portray they are scars over time.
Tuesday, 10 December 2013
Filming Proof:
Because i am now featuring as the female role: 'Girlfriend' in my own music video here are some pictures of me setting up the equipment - e.g tripod - and filming myself, using a handheld camera for necessary shots in my shooting schedule.
Above: Shooting a 'close up' shot (using a handheld camera) of the 'girlfriend' on the Tyre swing which is set in the wood location.
Above: Shooting a 'medium close up' shot of the 'girlfriend' (using a handheld camera) in the location of the 'girlfriends' bedroom. This is featured at the start of the music video.
Above: Shooting a 'over the shoulder' shot of the couple on the bed; as seen in the picture a tripod was used to capture this. Like the previous picture it was set in the 'girlfriends' bedroom. This is also featured in the music video.
Above: Setting up the tripod for a two shot of the couple in the wood location whilst the girlfriend recieves a piggy back ride from the boyfriend - this will consist of a long shot, medium shot and a close up of the couple.
Above: Shooting a 'medium close up' shot of the 'girlfriend' (using a handheld camera) in the location of the 'girlfriends' bedroom. This is featured at the start of the music video.
Above: Shooting a 'over the shoulder' shot of the couple on the bed; as seen in the picture a tripod was used to capture this. Like the previous picture it was set in the 'girlfriends' bedroom. This is also featured in the music video.
Above: Setting up the tripod for a two shot of the couple in the wood location whilst the girlfriend recieves a piggy back ride from the boyfriend - this will consist of a long shot, medium shot and a close up of the couple.
Saturday, 7 December 2013
Shooting Schedule 2:
Saturday 7th December:
- Wood scenes - Tyre swing, piggy back (couple)
- Pictures of Female's colourful clothing & Make-up
Sunday 8th December:
- Bedroom scenes - falling asleep, waking up, kissing, play fighting
- Pictures of Female Clothing & Bedroom/Pj Clothing
Friday, 6 December 2013
Casting: Girlfriend
Casting: Female Role: Girlfriend
Due to difficulty when casting the female role in my music video, i had asked two of my friends if they would participate in it. One is busy with other work so doesn't have any spare time to film and the other is unavailable too.
As the deadline is getting closer for the 1st draft to be done and time is becoming limited, I will be the female actress in my music video, as i am available the same time as Matt (boy actor) so it will be easy to get filming done. The couple scenes in my video will be easy to film, due it it being filmed on a hand-held camera. But for the other scenes i will be using tripods and i will be setting the equipment up - tripod, shots, mise-en-scene etc.
For the argument scenes where i am away from the camera i will have to get an assistant to press the record video after i has set the equipment up. I will photograph evidence to prove i am the director etc as well as an actress in my music video.
Due to difficulty when casting the female role in my music video, i had asked two of my friends if they would participate in it. One is busy with other work so doesn't have any spare time to film and the other is unavailable too.
As the deadline is getting closer for the 1st draft to be done and time is becoming limited, I will be the female actress in my music video, as i am available the same time as Matt (boy actor) so it will be easy to get filming done. The couple scenes in my video will be easy to film, due it it being filmed on a hand-held camera. But for the other scenes i will be using tripods and i will be setting the equipment up - tripod, shots, mise-en-scene etc.
For the argument scenes where i am away from the camera i will have to get an assistant to press the record video after i has set the equipment up. I will photograph evidence to prove i am the director etc as well as an actress in my music video.
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Album Covers
These are some album covers relating to my genre, which is where i will get my inspirations and influence from:
As you can see all ablum covers are abstract (using multiple images or dynamic art) and others feature the band members (like action shot performance - e.g. Feeder or still images - e.g. The Kooks)
As you can see all ablum covers are abstract (using multiple images or dynamic art) and others feature the band members (like action shot performance - e.g. Feeder or still images - e.g. The Kooks)
Bastille's Album/Song covers:
As you can see from the images down below of Bastille's Album/song covers, all pictures have the same features.- The text font and layout on each of Bastille's covers are similar creating continuity.
- The colour of the font text always contrasts with the image colour - this is to stand out and catch the audience eye. Relating to the 'Alternative' side to this genre.
- The picture featured on the covers are 'snapshots' that are featured in the music video of the song, (seen below) this fits with the abstract style similar to the other album covers of the same genre (above).
Filming test shots 5:
Scene where the boyfriend is banging on the bathroom door (where the girlfriend has locked herself in):
I have shot these from different angles, (all medium close ups) so the audience can see the actors movement but also when i put them all together in a sequence it will reinforce his desire and panic to get into the bathroom where she is; this will contrast with the 'mellow' outro music at the end of the song.
By the mise-en-scene being white and the character's costume is all black - there is a contrast created. This representation reflects to the audience the ideologies and mood of this scene, both characters are in a bad place and it helps develop the narrative.
This shot is of the male character breathing out smoke; the representations of this shot can link into the ideologies of the genre conventions of 'Alternative Rock' portraying stereotypes related to this specific genre. This may be used in my narrative because the ideologies behind smoke and cigarettes are rebellious, youth and stress. Which all relates to my dark scenes of my narrative.
I like the close up of the smoke coming out of his mouth, and how visible the smoke is. The contrast between his dark clothes, the smoke and the white wall is also effective; this reinforces the 'rebel youth' feel that 'Alternative Rock' has been stereotyped and associated with.
This shot is of the male character breathing out smoke; the representations of this shot can link into the ideologies of the genre conventions of 'Alternative Rock' portraying stereotypes related to this specific genre. This may be used in my narrative because the ideologies behind smoke and cigarettes are rebellious, youth and stress. Which all relates to my dark scenes of my narrative.
I like the close up of the smoke coming out of his mouth, and how visible the smoke is. The contrast between his dark clothes, the smoke and the white wall is also effective; this reinforces the 'rebel youth' feel that 'Alternative Rock' has been stereotyped and associated with.
Filming test shots 3
The scene where the boyfriend is banging onto the girlfriends house door to get in:
On this video, i had to re-take it because you could see my reflection in the glass of the door due to the kitchen light.
Here is my re-take of this scene without the light.
On this video, i had to re-take it because you could see my reflection in the glass of the door due to the kitchen light.
Here is my re-take of this scene without the light.
Monday, 2 December 2013
Filming: Test Shots 1
These are my filming test shots in the location of the woods - these scenes will feature trees and a Tyre swing:
Official Male's Costumes
Matt Marsden
Role: Boyfriend
The ideology behind the use of the black leather jacket, converses and the band t-shirt creates genre conventions for the audience for the representation of the 'Alternative Rock' genre.
Colouful Costume:
This links to Tessa Perkins - Stereotypes - Since these clothes are a convention of my chosen genre; the audience will understand the genre immediately.
PJ costume:
The male's pj's will consist of jogging bottoms and socks; the joggers are grey which connotes mystery and the socks are blue which connotes calm, peacefulness and purity. As seen in the picture below. The model is also wearing a piece of jewellery; a necklace. This necklace has a shark's tooth hanging from it, which reflects the 'Alternative Rock' genre by connoting rebellion.
Friday, 29 November 2013
Shooting Schedule 1
Saturday 30th November - Shots:
- Wood scenes - trees & tyre swing (Test shots and actual footage)
- Boyfriend running to the house and inside the house (nearer the end of the song) scenes (Test shots and actual footage)
- Boyfriend storming out of the house (Test shots and actual footage)
- Plate Smashing (Test shots and actual footage)
- Make-up Scars
Animatric (storyboard) music video
Here is my animatric music video which is based on my 1st storyboard which was created by my intial ideas for my music video. Due to my chosen song length; i had to cut out some parts of my original storyboard so the images and song will flow together - creating continuity and narrative development as the song plays.
Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Instruments in chosen song: Oblivion By Bastille
- Acoustic Guitar/ Bass Guitar
- Drums
This is linked to Richard Dyer - understanding representations and ideologies through the media.
'How we are seen determines how we are treated, how we treat others is based on how we see them. How we see them comes from representation.‘ (Dyer 1983).
Representations help us understand the media text, and it helps us catergorise the ideology so we understand the meaning.
Tim o'sullivan et all (1998) - Ideology refers to the set of beliefs or veiws in a selcetive society which we all have the common sense of them. Ideology helps us make judgements about the world and the different veiws of people in within it.
This links to Tessa Perkins - Stereotypes - Since these instruments are a convention of my chosen genre; the audience will understand the genre immediately.
Friday, 22 November 2013
Health & Safety Production Grid
This is the grid I have made that I will fill out for health and safety reasons during my production. From the headings i will be filling out any harazards i came across, how much of a risk they were to either myself or the cast, and how they can be avoided.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Boy Costume Ideas:
COSTUME 1: Dark Clothing
Plain/artist-band dark top. Dark jeans. Converse/boots.
COSTUME 2: Colourful Clothing
Indie influenced clothing. Checkered shirt, plain light coloured top, blue/dark jeans, converse/boots.
COSTUME 3: PJ/Bed Clothing
No top or plain top, pj bottoms.
COSTUME 1: Dark Clothing
Plain/artist-band dark top. Dark jeans. Converse/boots.
COSTUME 2: Colourful Clothing
Indie influenced clothing. Checkered shirt, plain light coloured top, blue/dark jeans, converse/boots.
COSTUME 3: PJ/Bed Clothing
No top or plain top, pj bottoms.
Monday, 11 November 2013
Location shots
Here are some test shots i have taken, referencing to my location ideas:
Pictures (left and below) are shots of the forest i will be filiming in; a public pathway to Hessle from North Ferriby. As seen in the shots; i will be filimg establishing shots and long shots of the the trees.
There is also a Tyre Swing present which will be used as a prop.
These are low angle shots (above and right) of the trees above and (below) a medium shot which all will used in my wood scene, these are also going to be used as establishing shots so the audience understands where the characters are and it will develop the narrative.
To the left, here is the female characters bedroom where i will be shooting in some parts of my video; as you can see by the posters on the wall this girl is in the Alternative Rock genre (Paramore Poster) and likes bands which are from that specific genre. The bedroom is feminine by the matching bed duvet with curtains. The dominant colour of this bedroom is red; this can connote the female character as passionate or fiery. The fact she has a double bed can connote to the audience that she does not sleep alone so she is in a relationship. Which will be seen by the audience in the narrative.
As seen below, here are still images of the females bathroom where i will be shooting in my video also; it is feminine due to the pink matts on the floor, the shell toilet seat and the bathroom objects around the bath. The fact the bathroom is in white can connote to the audience that she is a protagonist character, or she is innocent and pure. The contrast against the white background with the female character will create focus on her by the audience.
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