I will be doing the cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD package) And a magazine advertisement for digipak (CD package)
1. A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two following options:
•A cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package);
•A magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package).
Genre: Alternative Rock
The music video i will take my inspiration from for my own product is 'The Only Exception' - Artist: Paramore. The genre i will be focusing on is Alternative Rock.
Video 1: Official music video - 'The Only Exception - Paramore' (Storyboard starts from 00:30 till 1:01)
Structure: Narratvie/Performance
Genre: Alternative Rock
Context: Difficluties in love, by past experiences or experiences had by loved ones - like her mother and father.
As seen in the music video, the ingredients i need to produce my own music video (inspiring from the genre of Alternative Rock) is that the song can be shown as a story. But the video needs to include some form of singing from either one member of the band or the whole band may be featured at some point or the main focus can be on them.
Video 2:
Official music video - The official music video for 'The 1975 - Chocolate'
Structure: Narratvie/Performance
Genre: Alternative Rock/Indie Rock/Electronica Rock
Context: The performance side is the whole band driving around in a car, singing the vocals to the song. Whereas the narrative side, has the lead singer smoking and being with a woman (who from the lyrics the audience assume is 'Rebecca'). From the lyrics the song is about Drugs called 'Chocolate'. Examples of this is the chorus:
'Now you're never gonna quit it, Now you're never gonna quit it, Now you're never gonna quit it
If you don't start smoking it, that's what she said
She said we're dressed in black, head to toe, with guns hidden under our petticoats
And we're never gonna quit it, no we're never gonna quit it no'
If you don't start smoking it, that's what she said
She said we're dressed in black, head to toe, with guns hidden under our petticoats
And we're never gonna quit it, no we're never gonna quit it no'
Which by the lyrics shows mischief and protagonist characters by the video being filmed in Black and white, this reflects the narrative to the lyrics 'Dressed in black, head to toe'. The narrative of the lead singer smoking and being assumingly nude with the woman can cannote another meaning to the audience - of the 'Drug' that they cant quit is love and desire of eachother; it is how the audience percieve this video.
Like the music video above of 'Paramore - Only Exception' the Alternative Rock music videos consist of Narrative/Performances from either the whole band or the lead singer who is normally seen singing the vocals. But the main focus of the video's are of the band.
Video 3:
Official music video - The official music video for 'Biblical - Biffy Clyro'
Structure: Narratvie/Performance
Genre: Alternative Rock
Context: The performance side is the lead singer singing the vocals to the song. And none of the other band members are only seen in the background of the music video. This can cannote to the audience that this song is particularly personal to the lead singer.
Whereas the narrative side, the lead singer peforms a daily routine consisting of - laying on the bed in a motel room, picking up the phone, leaving the motel/apartment complex and then commiting certain acts which consist of a consequence at the end that he gets beaten up. It then returns back to the start for the second time, the routine is commited again but a few changes to the commited acts which still ends in the same consequence of him being beaten up. At the end of the video, it returns to the start for the third and final time where his daily routine has changed because he doesnt pick up the phone.
The meaning of seeing the lead singer repeat his actions differently can show the audience how certain acts can lead to certain consequences. This is reflected by the first lyrics 'Baby if you could would you go back to the start?
Take any fresh steps or watch it all fall apart, again.'
Take any fresh steps or watch it all fall apart, again.'
The narrative of the song is reflecting the lyrics by the lead singer picking up the phone which the audience assumes is with his 'lover' - since the lyrics connote a break up or a love song. This is reflected by the lyrics 'Baby how can you walk away?' and 'Baby if you could would you go back to the start? Take any fresh steps or watch it all fall apart, again.' The anger seen from the lead singer in the narrative can reflect his anger in his lyrics about the context of the text - this connotes a better understanding of the song to the audience.
Like the music video above of 'Paramore - Only Exception' the Alternative Rock music videos consist of Narrative/Performances from either the whole band or the lead singer who is normally seen singing the vocals. But the main focus of the video's are of the band.
Video 4:
Official music video - The official music video for 'Still - Daughter'
Structure: Narratvie/Performance
Genre: Indie Pop
Context: The singer is performing vocals on the T.V. screen which is featured as a prop in the located narrative of a couples apartment but mainly the bedroom, but the other band members are also featured performing on the T.V at times. The narrative is reflecting the lyrics:
'But we're still sleeping like we're lovers,
Still with feet touching
Still with eyes meeting
Still our hands match
Still with hearts beating'
Still with feet touching
Still with eyes meeting
Still our hands match
Still with hearts beating'
This reflects the understanding of the narrative; the narrative of a male and female who are living together (as seen by the mise-en-scene) who the audience will assume are the 'lovers' (due to the couple picture placed on the dressing table - due to props) who have either fallen out with eachother or has lost the love for each other. But as you see the narrative develop both the male and female are upset about this; the female you see silently cying as she is getting undressed and is wiping her make-up off. The male you see him put his kindle/ipad away, get undressed and into bed with the side lamp switched off when he hears the female come in. This shows he is wanting to avoid her. But at the end you see both male and female laying awake; the audience assumes it is because they are both unhappy and troubled.
By the fact the female is silently crying whilst she is getting undressed; shows how the relationship intimacy is gone between the lovers. This could show the couples stubborness between each other; how they are willing to avoid each other and neither of them is going to apologise. This is can be portrayed by the audience by the narrative; of how the female is silently crying and hugging herself can show how 'cold' each character is being to each other. This can also be reflected by the lyrics:
'Two feet standing on a principle
Two hands digging in each others wounds
Cold smoke seeping out of colder throats
Darkness falling, leaves nowhere to move
It's spiraling down
Biting words like a wolf howling
Hate is spitting out each others mouths
But we're still sleeping like we're lovers'
Two hands digging in each others wounds
Cold smoke seeping out of colder throats
Darkness falling, leaves nowhere to move
It's spiraling down
Biting words like a wolf howling
Hate is spitting out each others mouths
But we're still sleeping like we're lovers'
Textual analysis:
Textual Analysis Of Video 1 - R u Mine by Arctic Monkeys
Structure: Performance/Abstract
Genre: Alternative Rock
Context: Performance by using a hand held camera.
I have chosen this music video because it relates to my chosen genre: Alternative Rock. And due to the format of filming being on a hand-held camera; i am interested in this for my own music video, so this could inspire mine because i find it a different veiw of filming and what the audience sees - not just a performance but the band members as themselves, which makes it less formal and professional but down to earth and realistic.
Conventions Of Genre:
The Arctic Monekys are a Alternative Rock band. Who convey their genre by the use of mis-en-scene by their clothing, all in black, black can represent a antogonistic character or a rebellious characrer. Their instruments which are a Guitar and some Drums. Sunglasses and hair comb dates back to when Rock'n'Roll came out so 1950's. This can be linked to thoerist Tessa Perkins and her 'stereoptyping' theory; because this band has been stereotpyed as Alternative Rock. Tattoos are a specific stereotpical of the Rock genre aswell as metal jewellary for example, the drivers ring and bracelet. These connote a rebellious or need to express themselves in an alternative way to normality way of behaviour associated with the rock genre.
Use Of Cinematography:
Throughout this music video, camera framing such as; close-ups, mid-shots and long shots, are all used to capture each band - especially when singing or playing the instruments. The main focus is the lead singer because he is singing/miming the lyrics. Mid-shots and close-ups will be used when in the car when the band members are singing or pretending to play instruments. And long shots will be used when the band members are on the last location to perform the song with their instruments. A two-shot is used in the car when the two band members who are sitting in the front seat and drivers seat - lead singer/guitarist and drummer.
Use Of Editing:Fast cuts are used throughout. Firstly, the switch from the DJ to the band and at the end when it is vise versa.
On the footage edits of different coloured lines and the footage going blurry or jolted for a second is added - this could make the video look dated or
Deconstruct the text in relation to connotations:
Mis-en-scene of the DJ set connotes the location by the use of props; headphones, computers, desk light, big glass window behind him, folder draws, microphone, telephone and sheets of work etc.
Band being stereotpyed as 'Alternative Rock' music genre by the use of mis-en-scene. The clothing is all in black, black can represent a antogonistic character or a rebellious characrer, which is associated with the rock genre. The use of the instruments - guitar and drums - associated with the specific genre of rock. Sunglasses and hair comb dates back to when Rock'n'Roll came out so 1950's era.
How is a narrative developed:
At the start of the video, a DJ is seen in his studio, this is connotated by the mise-en-scene; props - headphones, microphone, infront of a computer, desk light, behind him is a big glass window. And the fact he has the DJ gear aswell as the diegetic narration of 'This is Jone's JukeBox, Live'.
Which then sustains continuity by switching to non-diegetic voice over on a radio (and then back again to the scene of him in the DJ set before the song starts, which he introduces) when the scene changes to into a car with the band the arctic monkeys, where they perform their song - in the car and in another location with their instruments. Throughout the video, each band member keeps the continuity of them performing by miming the words to the song - especially the lead singer. Aswell as the various instruments, like the driver who gets his drumming sticks and mimes the drumming solo out. Until all members arrive at the end location where their instruments are all set out and they perform their song. The DJ again appears at the end of the video which reflects continuity because he introduced them on his show.
How does the text appeal to the audience:
It appeals to the audience who like Alternative Rock genred music. Or Arctic Monkeys fans will be a big chucnk of their target audience who will like their music style.
The filming perspective will appeal to the audience because it is a different veiw on performing, by the band using a hand-held camera. Which they film eachother on and pass it around so each band memeber is either filming or being filmed. The main focus is the lead singer in this video, because he is the main focus of the band by singing the lyrics and being lead guitarist. This can be linked to thoerist Tessa Perkins and her 'stereoptyping' theory; because this band has been stereotpyed as Alternative Rock, with the use of mis-en-scene. The clothing is all in black, black can represent a antogonistic character or a rebellious characrer, which is associated with the rock genre. The video is also in black and white, which could make it seem dated. The use of the instruments - guitar and drums - associated with the specific genre of rock. Sunglasses and hair comb dates back to when Rock'n'Roll came out so 1950's.
Textual Analysis Of Video 2 - Calvin Harris - I Need Your Love ft. Ellie Goulding
Structure: Narrative
Genre: Electro-House
Context: Love themed by hand held camera.
I have chosen this video because of the style it is being filmed - by using a hand held camera. And also by the narrative, it is based on a couple filming themselves and throughout the video, there are scenes where it cuts back to footage of them. This is inspiring for my own video because of the style it is being filmed - a hand held camera (like the Arctic Monkeys), and also because the narrative isnt continuity, the orginal scenes of the male and female are cut in at random times which will influence my video.
Conventions Of Genre:
The genre for this music video is Electro-house, mainly associated with music which is on the Top 20's on 4Music - chart music. A main aspect of chart music videos is the narrative; this one is associated with the song 'I need your love' which is instantly seen at the start of the video by the fact it is footage of a couple's retreat - by a hand held camera.
Use Of Cinematography:
Close ups, Mid shots, Two-shots and location shots are all used through out this video. The close-ups and mid shots are of all the characters so we know what they look like and to reveal they're facial expressions. The establishing shots establish the location, where the character is and if they are doing a certain activity, us as the audience understand the narrative. A low angle is used to film a man on a skateboard from the point of veiw of the skateboard, you can tell he is skateboarding by the narrative leading up to it. Establishing shots are used to connote to the audience where the video is being filmed.
Use Of Editing:
The only edits in this video are fast cuts when the scene changes back to the original footage of the couple, otherwise the footage is continuous.
Deconstruct the text in relation to connotations:
Female in the video is featuring artist Ellie goulding who is seen at the start of the video in a white bed, with white covers - the white could connote purity or innocence. The light shinning through the white coloured curtain on the window behind her could connote she is angelic. But later, she is seen in black boots, shorts and top with a white top over it. This could connote she is seen as innocent and angelic but underneath she could be bad or mysterious.
Whereas the male present in the video (artist Calvin Harris) is dressed in black which could connote him as an antagonist character or that he is mysterious.
Theorist Laura Mulvey and her theory of the 'Male Gaze' can be represented in this video by Ellie Goulding, the fact she is seen in bed; the main target audience is focused on males; who will assume she is naked. This has been deliberately put in for the male audience to catch their attention and to make them watch it. Laura Mulvey will argue that Ellie Goulding is portrayed as an sex object for the male's sexual desire, but Ellie Goulding may want herself to be portrayed like this, to benefit her representation as an artist to gain popularity.
How is a narrative developed:
The narrative begins with the couple's retreat using a hand held camera, so it is personal footage. The song itself is mainly non-diegetic background music, but at times female artist Ellie Goulding sings her parts; so the non-diegetic sound becomes diegetic vocal sound.
In the narrative the hand held camera is picked up by random people that carry on the video and develop the narrative; although scenes of the couple are cut in at random times to remind the audience of the song's meaning: love. By the end of the video, the camera is returned to the couple when the random characters who last picked up the camera go to artist Calvin Harris's gig/concert, where featuring artist Ellie Goulding is present, so the narrative concludes where the narrative left off with the featured couple in the video.
How does the text appeal to the audience:
It would appeal to its target audience of those who like the genre of Electro-house; or fans who like either artist; Ellie Goulding or Calvin Harris. The text is mainly focused about the narrative reflecting the main connotation of the song: Love. So the videos purpose is to get the audience's attention for them to watch it all the way through, by producing a interesting narrative. The video is advertising the song and the artists through the narrative, since both artists are featured in it.
Textual Analysis Video 3 - Between The Trees - The Way She Feels
Structure: Narrative/Performance
Genre: Alternative Rock
Context: Self Abuse
I have chosen this music video to analyse because the lyrics and the narrative itself reflects the type of topic i will be involving in my music video, which is self abuse.
Conventions Of Genre:
The genre of this music video is Indie; so the band is seen performing the song along side the narrative of the text. The narrative is explaining the lyrics of the song, so it is more visual for the audience to reflect and respond to this video. The lead singer has a checkered shirt, nose piercing and long hair - these are stereotypical associations to the Indie genre. Nose piercings are stereotypically associated to rebellious characters because it is an expressive act against the norms of society, and they want to be different to the mainstream world. The checkered shirt is a red colour this could connote pain or danger which is reflected by the context of the narrative; which is about self abuse. Checkered shirts are normally associated with teenagers (ages of 16-early 20's) this could represent the age of the audience they are appealing to. The characters in the music video both have black eye-liner on which is another association with the indie genre, this connote them as either mysterious characters or it is showing the audience their inner pain by bringing the focus on their eyes - their eyes are telling the audience their feelings.
Use Of Cinematography:
Close ups are used to identify objects to the audience by linking it to the narrative and are also used to portray the characters expressions. Long shots are used to set the location of each character in the narrative. A track is used to shoot the footage of the second female character running.
Use Of Editing:
Fast cuts are used throughout to show the audience it is a change of scene/location.
Deconstruct the text in relation to connotations:
The lead singer has a checkered shirt, nose piercing and long hair - these are stereotypical associations to the Indie genre. Nose piercings are stereotypically associated to rebellious characters because it is an expressive act against the norms of society, and they want to be different to the mainstream world. The checkered shirt is a red colour this could connote pain or danger which is reflected by the context of the narrative; which is about self abuse. Checkered shirts are normally associated with teenagers (ages of 16-early 20's) this could represent the age of the audience they are appealing to. The characters in the music video both have black eye-liner on which is another association with the indie genre, this connote them as either mysterious characters or it is showing the audience their inner pain by bringing the focus on their eyes - their eyes are telling the audience their feelings.
How is a narrative developed:
The narrative of this music video reflects the lyrics. But also features the band performing the song, so the song is diegetic sound but only when you see the band playing, otherwise it is non-diegetic background music. Both female characters through this narrative seek self abuse as a way of dealing with any pain by the significant events they go through at any moment of their life's. One female character is dealing with her parents divorce. And the other her father has passed away. This is cannotated by the mis-en-scene developing throughout the narrative. Until at the end when all they need is support and comfort from their family; an example would be one of the characters is caught in the school bathroom about to self abuse by her dad, he comforts her and carries her out. This is seen by the other female character who's father has recently passed away, who is hiding in the toilets. She is then seen running with smudged eye make up with cannotes to the audience she has been crying and is upset by the fact the other girl who is going through a similar thing has her father rescue her; where she doesn't have her father. It ends when the location she is running to is revealed to be her fathers grave, where she places a razor on it.
How does the text appeal to the audience:
The text will appeal to the target audience who are fans of this band 'Between The Trees' or those who like the music genre of 'Alternative Indie'. The lyrics may reach out to someone who is going through the context of the text themselves and it may be a comfort to them or it may help them deal with the message that its okay to ask for help or support. But mainly it is sending the message to the audience that people are not alone if they also self abuse. Checkered shirts are normally associated with teenagers (ages of 16-early 20's) this could represent the age of the audience they are appealing to.
Genre: Alternative Rock
Context: Self Abuse
I have chosen this music video to analyse because the lyrics and the narrative itself reflects the type of topic i will be involving in my music video, which is self abuse.
Conventions Of Genre:
The genre of this music video is Indie; so the band is seen performing the song along side the narrative of the text. The narrative is explaining the lyrics of the song, so it is more visual for the audience to reflect and respond to this video. The lead singer has a checkered shirt, nose piercing and long hair - these are stereotypical associations to the Indie genre. Nose piercings are stereotypically associated to rebellious characters because it is an expressive act against the norms of society, and they want to be different to the mainstream world. The checkered shirt is a red colour this could connote pain or danger which is reflected by the context of the narrative; which is about self abuse. Checkered shirts are normally associated with teenagers (ages of 16-early 20's) this could represent the age of the audience they are appealing to. The characters in the music video both have black eye-liner on which is another association with the indie genre, this connote them as either mysterious characters or it is showing the audience their inner pain by bringing the focus on their eyes - their eyes are telling the audience their feelings.
Use Of Cinematography:
Close ups are used to identify objects to the audience by linking it to the narrative and are also used to portray the characters expressions. Long shots are used to set the location of each character in the narrative. A track is used to shoot the footage of the second female character running.
Use Of Editing:
Fast cuts are used throughout to show the audience it is a change of scene/location.
Deconstruct the text in relation to connotations:
The lead singer has a checkered shirt, nose piercing and long hair - these are stereotypical associations to the Indie genre. Nose piercings are stereotypically associated to rebellious characters because it is an expressive act against the norms of society, and they want to be different to the mainstream world. The checkered shirt is a red colour this could connote pain or danger which is reflected by the context of the narrative; which is about self abuse. Checkered shirts are normally associated with teenagers (ages of 16-early 20's) this could represent the age of the audience they are appealing to. The characters in the music video both have black eye-liner on which is another association with the indie genre, this connote them as either mysterious characters or it is showing the audience their inner pain by bringing the focus on their eyes - their eyes are telling the audience their feelings.
How is a narrative developed:
The narrative of this music video reflects the lyrics. But also features the band performing the song, so the song is diegetic sound but only when you see the band playing, otherwise it is non-diegetic background music. Both female characters through this narrative seek self abuse as a way of dealing with any pain by the significant events they go through at any moment of their life's. One female character is dealing with her parents divorce. And the other her father has passed away. This is cannotated by the mis-en-scene developing throughout the narrative. Until at the end when all they need is support and comfort from their family; an example would be one of the characters is caught in the school bathroom about to self abuse by her dad, he comforts her and carries her out. This is seen by the other female character who's father has recently passed away, who is hiding in the toilets. She is then seen running with smudged eye make up with cannotes to the audience she has been crying and is upset by the fact the other girl who is going through a similar thing has her father rescue her; where she doesn't have her father. It ends when the location she is running to is revealed to be her fathers grave, where she places a razor on it.
How does the text appeal to the audience:
The text will appeal to the target audience who are fans of this band 'Between The Trees' or those who like the music genre of 'Alternative Indie'. The lyrics may reach out to someone who is going through the context of the text themselves and it may be a comfort to them or it may help them deal with the message that its okay to ask for help or support. But mainly it is sending the message to the audience that people are not alone if they also self abuse. Checkered shirts are normally associated with teenagers (ages of 16-early 20's) this could represent the age of the audience they are appealing to.
Media Theory:
- Theorist Tessa Perkins 'stereotyping' theory; because Alternative Rock bands have been stereotyped by their dress sense, so i will have to think carefully about clothing of my characters in my video; but by the Mise-en-scene and props. But most importantly the narrative of my video, what conventions i want to portray to the chosen audience. An example of this would be; Tattoos because they are a specific stereotypical of the Rock genre as well as metal jewelry. These connote a rebellious or need to express themselves in an alternative way to normality way of behavior which associated with the rock genre.
- Theorist Laura Mulvey and her theory of the 'Male Gaze' can be represented in my video by a female being shown in my video, the main target audience is focused on males; which the girl will give voyeurism to. This will be deliberately put in for the male audience to catch their attention and to make them watch it. Laura Mulvey will argue that women are being portrayed as an sex object for the male's sexual desire, but some women may want themselves to be portrayed like this, to benefit their representation as an artist to gain popularity. The main focus for this will be the image of my characters in my video, and what the audience will perceive from the connotations or conventions they will portray.
Research on chosen song artist:
Bastille is a band from London, England; with the genre of 'Alternative Rock' and 'Electrionica'. Which was formed in 20-10 to present day. There is no video produced by Bastille for the song Oblivion.
Their debut single 'overjoyed' was released in April 2012; their second single 'Bad Blood' (which is the title of their album' was a success in UK charting at number 90. But it was their third track 'Flaws' became their first track which entered the UK Top 40 at number 21. Febuary 2013 their fourth track 'Pompeii' charted at number 2 in the UK.
Following these releases was their debut album 'Bad Blood' in March 2013 and debuted atop in the UK albums chart.
Alternative Rock also named 'Alt Rock' or 'Alternative' was orginated in late 1970's - early 1980's but only became popular in 1090's. It is a broad umbrella term consisting of music that differs greatly in terms of its sound, its social context, and its regional roots. R.E.M was a popular band in 1980's.
The popular band Nirvana (reached its popularity in 1990s) by their single 'Smells like Teen-spirit' (shown below) helped Alternative Rock enter the 'music mainstream'; which made many other alternative bands commercially successful. Nirvana also helped the 'Grunge Explosion' and the creation of 'BritPop'.
Alternative Rock would cover terms such as 'Punk Rock', 'New Wave', 'Post-punk' 'Gothic Punk' and also 'College/indie Rock'.
Typical Instruments are Vocals, Electric Guitar, Bass, Drums and Keyboards.
Alternative Rock in 21st Century include bands like 'The Strokes' 'The White Stripes' 'Franz Ferdinand' and 'The Rapture'.
By 2010 - Alternative Rock is now commonly known as 'Indie Rock'.
Nirvana - 'Smells like teen spirit'
Structure: Performance
Genre: Alternative Rock/Grunge
Context: Performance
From looking at Alternative Rock videos, (like Arctic Monkeys 'R U Mine?' & Between The Trees 'The Way She Feels' and also Paramore 'The Only Exception') the conventions of the videos are based on narrative and performance by the band structures. Although a select few are based on an abstract structure.
The narrative of a Alternative Rock muisc video is based on a contextual event which a lot of the main target audience will relate to. Examples of this would be in 'Between the trees - the way she feels' the narrative of that video invloves self abuse, divorce and a death in the family. Another example would be in 'The only exception by Paramore' which invloves love and the difficulties a person can experience by their own experiences or the impact it has had on loved ones around them.
And normally the narrative videos also experience scenes of performance elements in them by the band - this can be vocals singed by the singer or the full band playing with instruments.
From the lyrics of Oblivion By Bastille; the word 'Oblivion' means a state of being forgotten or forgetting/unawareness or overlooking on past offences. The first verse shows he is caring for someone, because he is holding them as they fall asleep - 'But you've gone somewhere deeper' could insist that person has an inner deomon or problems, he is in great thought about what they are thinking, he could be worried about them. Just by the first verse of this song it already has the context of a problem. Which i can devbelop in the narrative of my own video.
Structure: Performance
Genre Conventions Of My Product:
Insitution- Virgin Records.
This British Record Company is now celebrating its 40th anniversary for reining to charts. The label launched in 1973 - has featured artists such as Janet Jackson, The Chemical Brothers, Daft Punk, Spice Girls and The Sex Pistols.
It started out as a tiny progressive rock label with Mike Oldfield as its star, but it soon moved on to The Sex Pistols in the 70's.
Then in the 80s came the Culture Club, Human League and Simple Minds which helped Virgin Records become the worlds Biggest Independent Record Label.
In 1992 - The label was sold to Thorn EMI for $1 billion and the label entered a new era - one that focuses on Pop. Like The Spice Girls, Mariah Cariey and Brit Pop defined the 90's.
The label is still going strong today with the likes of Bastille (the artist of my chosen song), Laura Marling, Jake Bugg, Naughty Boy and Emeli Sande - all riding high in the charts.
My ideas for this music video is that it will be orientated around the cliche narrative of love. But throughout my narrative it will portray a realistic veiw of love - invlovling problems that the lover may face in their lives like self abuse. it will be filmed on a hand-held camera to capture the relationship between the couple to the audience of the couple making a home film of their relationship. So in the narrative, the audience will see the reality of relationships - the sad/argumentative moments and the happy/'in love' moments - and everything in between which could relate to personal problems - which i will be touching upon in the area of self abuse. I will connote the disstress presented by the characters by the use of cinematography - cantered angle or by the lighting/editing, and by the developing narrative the audience will understand it by relating it back to the song lyrics so it will connote a deep meaning.
My target audience will be focused on those who like the Alternative Genre; but my main target audience will be both male and female 'Teenagers' - aged '16 to 20's' years old. In the social class of B,C1 & C2 because my main target audience will be students so they will be in full time education (or hold a part-time job as well).
This will be associated with the 1950's era where 'Teenagers' were invented by Rock'n'Roll created by Elvis Presley, where rebellion and alternative clothing were worn.
They will be people who like the Alternative Rock music; which are artists like 'Bastille', 'Paramore', 'Snow Patrol', 'Biffy Clyro' and 'Bloc Party'.
Through my characters costumes, and mise-en-scene including props i will convey my audiences interests and clothing: the alternative choice. This can be linked to the stereotypes associated to the alternative genre, by tattoos, certain jewelry, hairstyles and clothing. This can be linked to theorist Tessa Perkins and her stereotype theory.
Audience Research: Blog Poll Questionnaire
Poll On BlogAim - Do want to know what audiences like; concerning music videos.
2. Are you male or female?
Female - Male
3. How old are you?
14-16 - 17-19 - 20-25 - 30+
4. When do you listen to music?
Every day - Every Other Day - Once a week - Other
5. When do you watch music videos?
Every day - Sometimes - Once a week – Never
6. How do you watch music?
TV – YouTube - Other
7. What type of music videos do you watch?
Narrative - Abstract - Performance
8. What would you expect when watching an Alternative Rock music video?
Story Line - Abstract - Performance
9. What colour would you see the music video to be in?
Colour - Black and White - Combination of both
This is a print-screen of my Blog featuring my Blog Poll:
This is my e-mail - featuring a link to my blog - to all the media groups so people can fill out my blog poll questionnaire for my audience research. This is a good strategy so i can reach out to a wide range of opinions from my target audience who are both male and female - 'Teenagers' - aged '16 to 20's' years old. In the social class of B,C1 & C2 because my main target audience will be students so they will be in full time education (or hold a part-time job as well).
Audience Research: Focus Group Questions
Focus Group Video
Here is my Focus Group for my audience research; I had seven questions (featured on another post) which were created to get any full information out of my audience which will be helpful for my audience research. Referencing to the conventions of genre, preferred music video style and style for my genre, why they watch certain music videos, what catches their attention etc.
From my audience focus group feedback it is clear that my audience have stereotypical views on my chosen genre of Alternative Rock. The music video should be a performance/narrative, involving genre conventions of the genre - including a performing band including typical instruments drums and guitar, dark connotations - stereotypical colours like black which reflects the rock feel. When informing the focus group about my chosen initial idea; they were able to create their own interruption of what they may see in the music video - combination of colour and black & white, smashing plates/objects on a wall when the couple fight, and you see the object smashing in slow motion. These are very good ideas that I can interpret into my music video because it would be effective to make the audience believe the narrative, and it is what the audience will be expecting.
Audience Research: Results From The Blog Poll
From the results from my blog poll questionairre relating to audience research; here is what i have concluded.
My ideas for my own music video (my initial ideas) are reflected in these results; the popular music video type for both personal opinions and for my chosen genre is Narrative. And the video for my genre should be in black&white since it was a popular choice. My inital idea was for a Narrative styled video in the combination of both colour and black&white - this will be a popular choice with my target audience due to this blog poll.
- There is a clear divide between male and female - male - 1, female - 9.
- The audience who took this questionnaire reflects my target audience being 'teenagers' - who are 17-19 year old students.
- Most students both listen to music and watch music videos every day.
- They watch music videos by YouTube; which shows me that the actual video is popular because a vast audience watch them continuiously.
- The popular music video type is Narrative.
- Referencing to my genre and my music video; the popular genre choice is alternative rock (which is my chosen genre), the popular music video style for Alternative Rock genre is Narrative and the audience would expect the music video of that genre to be in black and white.
My ideas for my own music video (my initial ideas) are reflected in these results; the popular music video type for both personal opinions and for my chosen genre is Narrative. And the video for my genre should be in black&white since it was a popular choice. My inital idea was for a Narrative styled video in the combination of both colour and black&white - this will be a popular choice with my target audience due to this blog poll.
Chosen song: Oblivion by Bastille
Song Lyrics:
Song Lyrics:
"Oblivion" - (3:16)
When you fall asleep with your head upon my shoulder. (0:00-0:12)
When you're in my arms but you've gone somewhere deeper. (0:13 -0:24)
Are you going to age with grace? (0:24-0:29)
Are you going to age without mistakes? (0:31-0:35)
Are you going to age with grace, (0:37-0:41)
Or only to wake and hide your face? (0:43-0:48)
When oblivion is calling out your name, (0:49-1:00)
You always take it further than I ever can. (1:01-1:11)
When you play it hard, and I try to follow you there. (1:13-1:25)
It's not about control but I turn back when I see where you go. (1:25-1:37)
Are you going to age with grace? (1:38-1:43)
Are you going to leave a path to trace? (1:44-1:50)
When oblivion is calling out your name, (1:51-2:01)
You always take it further than I ever can. (2:02-2:13)
When oh oblivion is calling out your name, (2:15-2:25)
You always take it further than I ever can. (2:27-2:38)
When you're in my arms but you've gone somewhere deeper. (0:13 -0:24)
Are you going to age with grace? (0:24-0:29)
Are you going to age without mistakes? (0:31-0:35)
Are you going to age with grace, (0:37-0:41)
Or only to wake and hide your face? (0:43-0:48)
When oblivion is calling out your name, (0:49-1:00)
You always take it further than I ever can. (1:01-1:11)
When you play it hard, and I try to follow you there. (1:13-1:25)
It's not about control but I turn back when I see where you go. (1:25-1:37)
Are you going to age with grace? (1:38-1:43)
Are you going to leave a path to trace? (1:44-1:50)
When oblivion is calling out your name, (1:51-2:01)
You always take it further than I ever can. (2:02-2:13)
When oh oblivion is calling out your name, (2:15-2:25)
You always take it further than I ever can. (2:27-2:38)
Visual Storyboard:
Initial Ideas:
The idea i have chosen:
Inspirations referencing to Cinematography and Editing -
Calvin Harris Ft Ellie Goulding - I Need Your Love.
Referencing to the Cinematography - using a handheld camera to film a couple style video. At the beginning of the video, there are shots of the couple in bed; using close-ups and two shots to capture the attitude and feeling created by the couple.
As well as Editing of this video references to the idea i have for my own video. For the Editing i really like the fast cuts and jumps from scene to scene - past and future, can capture the 'out of control' feeling people may have when they're in a relationship.
(Right) is a screen shot of the Editing used for the fast cuts from scene to scene (past and future) which is a reference to my own music video.

Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness.
1:35 - linking to Cinematography, i like the footage of each character like they are spinning each other around - this connotes to the audience that they are happy like children with each other because you associate that kind of behavior from a problem-free-young child. That can connote the feeling she had with this girl - young-wild and free.
00:00 - 00:30 - linking to Cinematography; is the establishing shot of the location. Shows the audience that the characters are away from everything. I especially like the Editing as well; it creates the illusion that the footage is old/antique; by the dis-colouring of the footage, and the fact some parts are jumpy.
Here are some pictures taken from the music video - to the left - is a shot when the characters are spinning with each other and are care free. By the prop it shows she is filming a home made video. - Below left- shows a two-shot of the characters in the car. - Below - shows the audience another side to this music video - changes from happy to sad. Close up of the characters face as she cries.
Costume Ideas, location and prop ideas:
Costume Ideas:
Alternative Clothing - different otufits for female;
Bowling Alley
Fake Blood
Make- up for the female character and for the fake scars
Alcohol Bottles (Some will be empty but some will be half full)
My initial idea is about a couple home-made video; it will feature 2 characters; one female and one male.Alternative Clothing - different otufits for female;
- Happy scenes - dresses & girly outfits - to connote positive associations - e.g Colourful Clothing
- Sad scenes - dressed in mainly dark outfits - connote negativity - e.g Black Clothing
Location ideas:
Both male and female's bedrooms.Woods
Bowling Alley
Prop Ideas:
RazorFake Blood
Make- up for the female character and for the fake scars
Alcohol Bottles (Some will be empty but some will be half full)
Cast List:
Male Character:
1. Liam Dale - Role: Boyfriend
I have chosen Liam because he is at Wyke College and will be aviable for filming, and i will be able to communicate with him about filming either during college time or outside of college. To add a bonus, he is the boyfriend of Sabrina Vizor (who i am considering to play the female role) so the couple chemistry will not be awkward or hard to believe.
Liams apperance best fits the Alternative Rock genre; because has a plug in his ear and a tattoo on his arm; he also has band t-shirts like Biffy Clyro - which is a band of the Alternative Rock genre. All these a stereotypical observations linked to the specific genre.
2. Mathew Marsden - Role: Boyfriend
Female Character:
1. Sabrina Vizor - Role: Girlfriend
I have chosen Sabrina because she is also attending Wyke College and i will be able to communicate to her about filming either during college time or outside of college. To add a bonus, she is the girlfriend of Liam Dale.
Sabrina's appearance will suite the look im going to create because she is slender, tall with long dark hair. She will suite both colourful clohes and the dark black clothes by the choice of outfits and the style of make-up.
Casting: Female Role: Girlfriend: Eleanor Beaulah
Due to difficulty when casting the female role in my music video, i had asked two of my friends if they would participate in it. One is busy with other work so doesn't have any spare time to film and the other is unavailable too.
As the deadline is getting closer for the 1st draft to be done and time is becoming limited, I will be the female actress in my music video, as i am available the same time as Matt (boy actor) so it will be easy to get filming done. The couple scenes in my video will be easy to film, due it it being filmed on a hand-held camera. But for the other scenes i will be using tripods and i will be setting the equipment up - tripod, shots, mise-en-scene etc.
For the argument scenes where i am away from the camera i will have to get an assistant to press the record video after i has set the equipment up. I will photograph evidence to prove i am the director etc as well as an actress in my music video.
Casting: Male Role: Boyfriend: Mathew Marsden
Mathew is available when I am so it will be easy to get the filming done, he is flexible on times and locations which is a great help! He is tall, skinny, messy brown hair and a pale complexion, his style is like Alternative Rock as he wears conversers, skinny jeans, checkered shirts and has many band t-shirts which is useful for the costumes!Costume Ideas:
Prezi Links:
Female costumes influences:
Official Female costumes:
Male influences/inspirations and costumes:
Location shots:
Here are some test shots i have taken, referencing to my location ideas:
Pictures (left and below) are shots of the forest i will be filiming in; a public pathway to Hessle from North Ferriby. As seen in the shots; i will be filimg establishing shots and long shots of the the trees.
There is also a Tyre Swing present which will be used as a prop.
These are low angle shots (above and right) of the trees above and (below) a medium shot which all will used in my wood scene, these are also going to be used as establishing shots so the audience understands where the characters are and it will develop the narrative.
To the left, here is the female characters bedroom where i will be shooting in some parts of my video; as you can see by the posters on the wall this girl is in the Alternative Rock genre (Paramore Poster) and likes bands which are from that specific genre. The bedroom is feminine by the matching bed duvet with curtains. The dominant colour of this bedroom is red; this can connote the female character as passionate or fiery. The fact she has a double bed can connote to the audience that she does not sleep alone so she is in a relationship. Which will be seen by the audience in the narrative.
As seen below, here are still images of the females bathroom where i will be shooting in my video also; it is feminine due to the pink matts on the floor, the shell toilet seat and the bathroom objects around the bath. The fact the bathroom is in white can connote to the audience that she is a protagonist character, or she is innocent and pure. The contrast against the white background with the female character will create focus on her by the audience.
1st Story Board:
Prezi Link:
Animatic Video:
Shooting schedules:
Shooting 1: Saturday 30th November - Shots:
- Wood scenes - trees & tyre swing (Test shots and actual footage)
- Boyfriend running to the house and inside the house (nearer the end of the song) scenes (Test shots and actual footage)
- Boyfriend storming out of the house (Test shots and actual footage)
- Plate Smashing (Test shots and actual footage)
- Make-up Scars
These are my filming test shots in the location of the woods - these scenes will feature trees and a Tyre swing:On this video, i had to re-take it because you could see my reflection in the glass of the door due to the kitchen light.
Here is my re-take of this scene without the light.
Scenes where the boyfriend runs up the stairs towards the bathroom door:
This shot is of the male character breathing out smoke; the representations of this shot can link into the ideologies of the genre conventions of 'Alternative Rock' portraying stereotypes related to this specific genre. This may be used in my narrative because the ideologies behind smoke and cigarettes are rebellious, youth and stress. Which all relates to my dark scenes of my narrative.
I like the close up of the smoke coming out of his mouth, and how visible the smoke is. The contrast between his dark clothes, the smoke and the white wall is also effective; this reinforces the 'rebel youth' feel that 'Alternative Rock' has been stereotyped and associated with.
Shooting schedule 2:
Saturday 7th December:- Wood scenes - Tyre swing, piggy back (couple)
- Pictures of Female's colourful clothing & Make-up
Sunday 8th December:
- Bedroom scenes - falling asleep, waking up, kissing, play fighting
- Pictures of Female Clothing & Bedroom/Pj Clothing
Here are some photos taken of from the footage to show what shots were used.
Above: 2 shot of the couple as the girlfriend is having a piggyback ride from the boyfriend with the tripod set up on the ground in front of them in the woods.
Above: 2 shot of the couple in the girlfriends bedroom in the scene of the 'pillow fight' with the tripod set up on the bed.
Shooting schedule 3:
Saturday 14th December:- Retake bathroom door scenes
- Wood - male walking through with female edited over the top
- Fight scene
- Photos:
- Female Dark Costume
- Scars make-up
Filming Proof:
Because I am featuring as the female role: 'Girlfriend' in my own music video here are some pictures of me setting up the equipment - e.g tripod - and filming myself, using a handheld camera for necessary shots in my shooting schedule.
Above: Shooting a 'close up' shot (using a handheld camera) of the 'girlfriend' on the Tyre swing which is set in the wood location.
Above: Shooting a 'medium close up' shot of the 'girlfriend' (using a handheld camera) in the location of the 'girlfriends' bedroom. This is featured at the start of the music video.
Above: Shooting a 'over the shoulder' shot of the couple on the bed; as seen in the picture a tripod was used to capture this. Like the previous picture it was set in the 'girlfriends' bedroom. This is also featured in the music video.
Above: Setting up the tripod for a two shot of the couple in the wood location whilst the girlfriend recieves a piggy back ride from the boyfriend - this will consist of a long shot, medium shot and a close up of the couple.
Bought Items:
- Scars - make-up - £13.99
- Fake Blood - £4.99
- Plates - 3 Dinner Plates - £3
Music Video Drafts:
1st Music Video Draft:
This is my first draft of my music video, i have added the relevant edits but there is some non-footage featured in two parts of this video. This is the plate smashing scene, i have yet to shoot. Although with that not added i am reflectively impressed and content with how it has turned out - i think it is successful. The narrative develops perfectly with the lyrics of the song which helps the audience understand it as it develops.
Audience feedback:
As i have got feedback for my first draft there were areas that i need to develop:
- The editing needs a little more work in my opening scene where the female appears on the Tyre swing, as it is a little jumpy and needs to be more smoother for the fade in/appearing effect that i am trying to create.
- The play fight scene in the bedroom is a little long so try variation or cross cuts.
- I love the sequence in the woods with the cross over fade & the female walking around very fast in the background - very effective.
- Why do they argue? It is not made clear. Does he cheat on her? Is that what leads her to slit her wrists? This part of the narrative needs to be made more clear.
- Your footage rewinds, is this to demonstrate he wishes he acted differently? Or does it show she does not die as we see them in bed again? Please make this more clear.
- Need to fill in the blank spaces with footage.
Music Video Draft 2:
From my first draft you can see significant changes. Although the first part of my sequence is the same I have adapted the middle and the end. I had blank spaces in my first draft which I have inputted media for my second draft.
From my first draft feedback I have been able to adapt or add new footage to my video:
- I have adapted my opening sequence in attempt to make the editing more smoother for the effect I want to create.
- I have added variation to the play fight by adding other footage to make it seem more playful and couple-like, so it isn't as long.
- Why do they argue? To develop the narrative so my audience understands I have inputted new footage to explain why the couple argues. For this I have added the clock sequence cross over the female waiting impatiently as the male is late for a romantic dinner. Due to her frustrations that he is late she gets angry and sees her romantic meal as a wasted attempt and starts to mess up the table by throwing the plates at the wall. This then leads into my original footage of the couple arguing. As he leaves in a fury she is left to drown her sorrows in alcohol as she always messes everything up.
- The footage rewinds to demonstrate he is rethinking the argument and it clicks that she is self harming - this leads into the footage of the male running back to the house to find the girl has self harmed again in the bath tub. He feels responsible. And the footage rewinds as you see the couple happy, then the fight and it is left that the relationship has ended.
- I have filled in the blank spaces with footage.
Any further developments:
Music Video Final Draft:
The changes from my second draft:
- Editing of the Tyre Swing scene
- Editing of the last sequence (flashback)
- Editing of putting out the plates
Audience feedback questionnaire:
These questions i have created to get an indication from the audience to see if they understand my music video, referencing to the narrative as i know this is a questionable area.
Audience Feedback sheets:
Feedback 1:
Name: Georgina Beaulah
Feedback 2:
Name: Jenny
Feedback 3:
Name: Liam Dale
Feedback 4:
Name: Ellie Horner
Ancillary Texts:
1. A promotion package for the release of an album, to include a music promo video, together with two of the options:
•A cover for its release as part of a digipak (CD/DVD package);
•A magazine advertisement for the digipak (CD/DVD package).
Inspirations and influences:
Possible Ancillary Text Photos:
I have chosen these primary pictures taken from the woods location featured in the music video as possible ancillary text photos. I have chosen these photos to give off an abstract view on my album, this idea is taken from the influencing/inspiring original album covers (also featured on my blog) to connote the alternative rock genre to the audience.
Font text for ancillary texts:
For the font i have looked on a website called which provide a wide range of fonts and here are some possible fonts i could use for my ancillary texts:
Fonts i may use for the Artist Name:
I have chosen these fonts for the Artist name due to their abstract view and how catching they look - i imagine if they were on an album cover it would fit the representation of alternative rock genre due to the fact they are unusual and different. My favorite is 'Blake'.
Fonts i may use for the album name:
For the album name i want the text to look simple and plain - which will stand out against the artist name. This has been inspired by other alternative rock genre album covers. The album name font will also be used for the tracks on the back of the album.
Artist Information
Artist/Band name: Marseille
Album name: Oblivion
Album songs:
- Bitter Kisses
- Love Night
- Sail
- You & Me
- Reckless Youth
- Opposite
- The Draw
- Oblivion
- Rough Diamond
- Unicorn Blood
- White Lies
- Flashing Lights
- Numbers
Album Cover:
My Album in progress:
Progress 1:
This is my album in progress, i have used a simple 6 digipak template so it is conventional to standard CDs already in the media - e.g my influence album covers.
Here i have used the same picture for my front cover as i did my magazine advert to create continuity and representation. I have used the same type of the font for the album name and artist name as i have used in the magazine advert.
Progress 2:
Above i have inserted a new picture also taken in the wood scene of my music video, i have used photoshop to edit the photo so it fits with the style of photo used for my front cover. I have changed the contrast and colour situation to get the effect that i wanted; this makes it look abstract.
Progress 3:
Here is my spine of my album; taken from another primary photo taken from the wood scene of my music video; i chose this part of the picture because it is a light colour and will show up the black text of my album well. As seen below:
Progress 4:
Here i have added another primary photo taken from the wood scene from my music video; like the other pictures i have edited the picture on photoshop by changing the contrast and colour situation to make it fit in with the other pictures to create continuity.
Progress 5:
I have added text of the album songs onto the back cover picture; as seen below: to create continuity i have kept with the use of wood scene photos.
Progress 6:
I have added two more primary wood scene photos taken from my music video; i have again used Photoshop to edit these photos, and to keep the continuity of the album fitting together i have made the photos look faded or abstract by changing the contrast and colour situation. Seen Below.
I have added these two photos for the background of where the CD's will be placed. I have changed the 'opacity' to fade them into the background. I have made all 3 photos (directly underneath) rotate 180 degrees so when the album is folded it will fit like an actual CD.
Progress 7:
I have added a 'barcode' and a 'virgin' logo on the back cover of my album to make it look real.
My Album Cover:
Actual Product:
This is how my CD would be like in real life, to create my product i printed out my CD template on A3 paper, stuck the paper onto cardboard with glue stick and cut around my template. I then bent the card into place to make the real product as seen below in the images.
My CD digipak template:
Here is the overall link i have got my templates from:
Here is a link to my CD digipak template which i will be using to create my album from.
As you can see it is a standard 6 panel digipak template which a lot of CDs will be made from.
My CD:
My CD Progress..
I have added the artist name and album name onto the CD. With the 'Quick Selection Tool' i grabbed a small part of the picture where the branches are reaching towards eachother and the background is very light. And put it over the CD, i changed the opacity to 20% so it looked faded. And with the quick selection tool i was able to cut around the picture making it into a circular shape. The edges look rough and wavey but i like the messy look it creates and think it adds to the abstract look of my album.
Progress 3:
This is my first draft of my actual CD:
Magazine Advert:
Inspiration/influence for my magazine advert is from Official Magazine Album Adverts (examples below):
These are a couple of magazine album adverts which will influence the creation of mine:
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